Spelling List | 5th List 20

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Spelling Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in spelling tests, spelling games, spelling practice and more!

Word Practice Sentence
problem There's no problem I can't solve.
we'll She said we'll see her tomorrow.
brought I brought him a gift.
major The major gave orders sternly.
sopranos We have twelve sopranos in the choir.
basic Let's solve the basic problems first.
great This soup is great.
career My career is really taking off.
voice I miss hearing your voice.
annoy Is your brother trying to annoy you?
elements We need to memorize the elements on the Periodic Table.
each She said we could each have our own room.
possible We will provide aid if possible.
middle I am the middle child.
excited We are excited to hear you sing.
declare I will declare my candidacy.
suddenly I suddenly felt sick.
Des Moines Des Moines is the capital of Iowa.

Take a look at other spelling lists for fifthgrade.