Spelling List | 4th List 9

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Spelling Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in spelling tests, spelling games, spelling practice and more!

Word Practice Sentence
duty It is our duty to keep people safe.
dirty My laundry basket is full of dirty clothes.
flood The flood caused a lot of damaged to homes in the area.
seven There are seven buttons on my jacket.
school We have to be to school by eight in the morning.
west I live just west of Elm Street.
useless The calculator was useless because the battery had died.
change He didn't want to change his clothes.
bush We had the big bush taken out for a better view of the lake.
beard My father's beard grows quickly.
sum The sum of the math problem was larger than expected.
ourselves We helped ourselves at the buffet.
danger The sign warned of danger ahead.
dessert I wish I could eat dessert first.
rectangle A rectangle is not a square.
special My mom always makes me feel special.

Take a look at other spelling lists for fourthgrade.