Spelling List | 7th List 11

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Spelling Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in spelling tests, spelling games, spelling practice and more!

Word Practice Sentence
arguing We shouldn't be arguing.
studio The photographer's studio was very fancy.
mimicking The parrot loved mimicking its owner.
flood We prepared for the river to flood.
unemployment The unemployment rate is going down.
yogurt I have blueberry yogurt in my lunch.
combine I'd like to combine our money to buy a new couch.
critical Finishing the surgery soon is critical.
frequently Jane communicates with her parents frequently.
reduction The reduction in staff made everyone nervous.
physician The physician prescribed medicine.
restored The antique needed to be restored.
straight The poster was not straight on the wall.
bacteria The growth of the bacteria went unnoticed.
corruption Unfortunately, corruption has reached all levels.
qualified I am qualified for the job.
quadruple The stock price was predicted to quadruple.
solstice A solstice is an event that happens twice each year.
undefeated The volleyball team was undefeated this season.
decaffeinated My friend always orders decaffeinated coffee.
correlation There was a correlation between more teachers and improved grades.
visibility It seemed that visibility was greatly diminished due to fog.

Take a look at other spelling lists for seventhgrade.