Spelling List | April Spelling List

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Spelling Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in spelling tests, spelling games, spelling practice and more!

Word Practice Sentence
showers The weather forecast calls for showers.
April The first Arbor Day was held on April 22, 1872, in Nebraska City, Nebraska.
puddle I will jump into that puddle.
seeds The tiny seeds were about to sprout.
green The grass is finally green.
rainbow A rainbow is a purely optical phenomenon.
sprout The tiny seeds were about to sprout.
nature I like to be out in nature.
butterflies There were many tiny butterflies in the forest.
dew The morning dew glistened in the sun.
fresh I'm so glad to smell the fresh spring air.
nest The baby birds were safe in their cozy nest.
petals Small petals fell to the ground around the tree.
hatch The chicks will hatch in 21 days.
sparrow I saw a sparrow take a dust bath.

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