Spelling List | Winter Spelling List

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Spelling Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in spelling tests, spelling games, spelling practice and more!

Word Practice Sentence
snow The snow was white and fluffy.
winter I love winter sports like hockey.
cold It's so cold outside!
mittens I have green and red mittens.
fireplace We gathered around the fireplace.
scarf I wrapped the scarf around my neck.
frost The grass was covered with frost.
icicle There is a large icicle hanging from my roof.
snowman I'm going to build a snowman after school.
boots My boots keep my feet warm.
holly We decorated our mantle with holly.
sled I like to sled with my friends.
hot cocoa We put marshmallows in our hot cocoa.
snowflake She caught a snowflake on her tongue.
skiing I went skiing in Colorado.

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