Spelling List | May Spelling List

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Spelling Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in spelling tests, spelling games, spelling practice and more!

Word Practice Sentence
gardening I spent the afternoon gardening in my backyard.
maypole The village celebrated by dancing around the brightly decorated maypole.
picnic The picnic tablecloth is red and white.
raincoat My raincoat is bright yellow like my boots.
pollen The pollen in the air makes me sneeze!
holiday What is your favorite holiday in May?
festival We are going to a cultural festival on Friday.
parade The parade will go down main street.
sunny It is a sunny, hot day.
Mother's Day We will take our mom to brunch for Mother's Day.
outdoors I enjoy spending time outdoors hiking in the mountains.
vibrant The meadow was filled with vibrant flowers of all colors.
May Day May Day is a celebration of the coming of summer.
emerald The emerald is May's birthstone.
Memorial Day It’s tradition to raise the flag on Memorial Day.

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